
Mastermind groups are relatively new to most people, even though the concept was created around 75 years ago. A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence, business experience, and support of the group.

At the heart of the “Business Mastermind Programme” is a 12 month skills development process supplemented by: Business training, Mentoring and practical Support, exclusive membership of the Mastermind group, as well as the private online group designed to help and support you on an almost daily basis to achieve incredible results for your business.

Many people starting a new business or wanting to grow their existing business find many challenges and obstacles in their way, the most common of which are:

  • Lack of clarity and focus.
  • Lack of feedback and support.
  • Lack of training in one or more essential business skills.
  • Lack of inspiration and motivation.
  • Lack of definitive goals and effective strategies.

These usually lead to a lack of commitment and loss of confidence that will hold you back from taking the actions needed to get the results you want and deserve. Your Mastermind experience will help you overcome these limitations to drive your business forward with ease.

Start enjoying your business journey
and watch how fast your business can grow!

Let’s admit it, running a business can often be lonely and overwhelming at the same time. You know the daily challenge of facing 100 tasks, with only you there to deal with it all. Yes, just You! On top of that there is often no accountability to anyone but yourself, which usually means no accountability at all, and this is definitely not the best way to get great results.

Before long, deadlines are missed and no matter how hard you work you don’t seem to grow your business as you are focused on working in your business and no time to work on growing your business.

Lack of clear direction can leave you stressed, lead to loss of motivation, momentum and confidence; soon doubt and regret can set in. You suddenly find yourself disconnected from the exciting reasons that led you to want your own business in the first place and are left only feeling the financial pressure due to a lack of sales and meagre profits.

So how can you become more enthusiastic and passionate and match your hard work with more clients and higher profits?

By investing in your success and joining our new Mastermind Programme for the crucial training, mentoring and valuable support and guidance it provides, and not just from me but from everyone in the group who will help you overcome these challenges empowering you to start enjoying your business journey and watch how fast your business can grow!

You will be part of a select group of business owners that meet regularly to tackle challenges and problems together. We lean on each other, give advice, share connections and do business with each other when appropriate. It’s very much peer-to-peer mentoring where your success is the main focus of the entire group.

What is included

3 intensive but fun full-day training workshops

You’ll benefit from 3 full days of live training and interactive workshops designed to help you achieve clarity about your business, your clients and your products and services. You will also learn how to communicate your message more effectively, weather through your online material, networking events or presentations.

The training delivers accelerated knowledge, planning and action, which kick off with the launch day, and two further meetings focused on specific areas of business.

12 monthly mastermind group meetings

which focus on moving you forward in your business according to where you’re at, harnessing the power of the group and building on your progress.

As a member you’ll meet on a monthly basis to share your successes, challenges and your goals for the next month. You will also have the opportunity to share any areas you need support with and address whatever is on their mind around your business.

The Mastermind meetings provides an open space to deal with whatever challenges you have in moving forward. The accountability to the group encourages action by all members to move them towards their goals, following the strategy developed during the programme.

Dedicated online private group

A dedicated private Facebook group is the key to keep the community connected between the monthly meetings.

As your bonds within the group grow, sharing your successes, your challenges and your questions will be a key part of the whole experience of the programme. Sharing of resources and ideas will also help to keep you moving forward.

The training delivers accelerated knowledge, planning and action, which kick off with the launch day, and two further meetings focused on specific areas of business.

Business Buddy peer to peer mentoring meetings

Every month the members are assigned their own business buddy from the group and for one month they meet together and focus on supporting each other. Every member’s focus is on helping others succeed acting as an advisor or a sounding board.

In this way every member’s knowledge, experience and expertise is harnessed to help you overcome challenges and barriers to growth. Even if you are just starting out on your business journey you will have much to offer the group, even if you may not realise this at the start.

Exclusive course material pack

You’ll be given a folder and range exercises to see you through your year long journey. Monthly achievement reviews, goal setting sheets, cheat sheets and lots more will help you navigate through to your successful business.

The training delivers accelerated knowledge, planning and action, which kick off with the launch day, and two further meetings focused on specific areas of business.

Recommended reading list

You will also be encouraged to read some of the best business books to develop your skills and improve your knowldge. This is one of the areas that is often overlooked yet it is a great additional tool to help you grow as a business owner.

The new learnings put into action will help you develop a much better prespective on many areas of your business.

Top 7 reasons why a mastermind might be right for you:

You’ll be part of an exclusive community. Joining a mastermind typically involves you being invited by the organiser or recommended by the members.

Help and advice. Once you are involved in a mastermind, that feeling of ‘being alone’ while running your business is gone. Members of the group turn into business advisors for each other. You always have someone to turn to for answers and ideas, which come from brainstorming with the group.

Accountability to the group and other members helps to keep you motivated to achieve more and make real progress in your life and business.

Grow your network. Joining a mastermind expands your network exponentially and rapidly. If you are in business, you know how important and valuable your network is. By joining a mastermind, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you.

New learning. Apart from the 3 training days inclusive to the programme, everyone in the mastermind is unique in skill, experience and connections. By interacting and sharing your challenges, it’s almost certain that someone in your mastermind will have a solution for you. You can benefit from an increased confidence that you’ve made the right decisions and are taking the right actions to achieve your goals.

A sense of shared endeavour – There are others out there! And a boost to your everyday positive mental attitude.

Think bigger. Being in a mastermind will truly give you a Master Mind! You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things. Masterminds are incredible and can do wonders for your business as well as for you, personally. Growing in a group is not only more effective, it’s a lot more fun!


Nami Haghighi is the organiser and facilitator of the group. Nami is a business Mentor, Coach and Consultant with over 20 years of hands-on experience working with small and medium sized businesses. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience in creating clarity and focus that supports business owners in building effective strategies to achieve the success they want and deserve.

He has dedicated his entire career to helping businesses succeed by offering proven, effective and affordable tools and processes to hundreds of business owners and supporting them through the process of growth or starting up in business, with outstanding results.

He is also the founder of Málaga Business Minds which was created to provide a platform where business owners can learn, share and connect.


A new programme will be launched early 2017, please contact me for details.


Central Malaga, the venue will be communicated after signing up.

Please book early as spaces are limited. Please contact me with any questions you may have

Book your place now:

By contacting or on (+34) 667 065 523

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